Piezosurgery vs rotating drills: comparison of post operative complications after genioplasty.

Cioffi,, Andrea


Piezosurgery vs rotating drills: comparison of post operative complications after genioplasty.

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    Purpose: To compare the postoperative swelling, pain and mental nerve sensory impairment following genioplasty performed by means of the piezosurgery technique and following surgery performed by means of rotating drills and oscillating saws. Materials and method: 40 patients underwent genioplasty at the Dept. of Oral Surgery of the University of Naples Federico II. 22 cases were treated using Piezosurgery technique, in 18 pt oscillating saw and rotating burs were used. The patients were followed after 24, 48, 72 hrs and 7, 14, 21, 28 days after surgery. Swelling, pain and mental nerve impairment were evaluated by means of the NRS scale, the two point discrimination test in the mental area bilaterally and by means of direct questioning about numbness or burning sensations. A general linear model (repeated measures) was used to identify within-group and between group differences (PIEZO vs CTR) at different timepoints. Statistical significant differences were set at p0.05. Tests were performed using SPSS statistical software package (Statistical Package for Social Science SPSS v.16.0 – IBM). Results: The pain rate decreased in both groups from the first (24 hrs) to the last registration (28 days). No significant differences were found between 24 hrs and 48 hrs in both groups (p0.05).The pain rate was higher in the control group at all time points. Conclusions: Piezosurgery technique seemed to assure a low risk procedure and a conservative approach. This could be related to the selective property of cut of the piezosurgery device with no damage of the soft tissue.

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